Who We ARe

Monkey in the Middle was born when a busy mom was planning a weekend brunch for the family, but didn’t want to scale ingredients, mix them, make a mess, and clean up.

She also wanted to always have something on hand to surprise guests during the weekend. It also needed to be wholesome, plant based and gluten free, as that’s how she feeds herself and her family. Finally, she wanted to satisfy her non-vegan/gluten free guests with something that would surprise them. You see where this is going… 

Well… that’s what Julia Toy does at Julia’s Oven, a Las Vegas based vegan and gluten-free wholesale bakery. Together with her father Luiz, she has been making desserts, pastries, and breads for most of the Hotels and Casino properties on and off the Las Vegas strip and local coffee shops since 2016. Monkey in the Middle is an extension of the company with intent of promoting healthy family time together around our favorite place: the breakfast table.


“We but mirror the world” said Mahamat Gandhi.  Being kind to our planet and our people is a big part of what we do, which for us means striving to “walk the walk.” That’s why we team up with Fraternity Without Boarders to contribute and serve our local Las Vegas homeless community with plant-based meals and desserts. We also are always looking for ways to lessen our impact on the environment with our products. From using sustainable plant-based ingredients, to packaging that uses plant coating instead of traditional plastic, and paper that comes from sustainably managed trees in the US, we strive to be part of the change we would like to see in our beautiful planet Earth.

Waffle with illustrations of plants bursting from it.